Sunday Morning

I hear a loud 3 year old at what I would consider to be the
crack of dawn on a Sunday morning yelling, “IT’S BEAUTIFUL OUT SIDE”.

I can’t deny that the little tyke might just know what he is talking about. I am
thrilled to see this Sunday with my bestest little cousin in the world. He
really is such a sweet boy. As I was getting him dressed and in between his new
Kung Fu stance that he learned from watching Kung Fu Panda last night, and his
constant mummers of “dragon warrior”, he managed to slip in a “Your hair is
beautiful”. I am pretty sure I melted right then and there. Men take note! This
little champ is stealing hearts left and right. Ladies be on guard, yours might
just be next.


  1. Sweet lil guy,he'll make a pretty gentleman.
    It is really beautiful outside! Great picture Raheal.
    Thanks for visiting my blog.
    God's grace!
    Your newest follower!


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